1s1s Changelogs ********************************************** Updates as of 01/21/2024 (Unstable) General: 1. Added an Error 404 (Page Not Found) handler. 2. Removed the "dateposted" column in the grades module. 3. Removed decimal places (0.00) in subject units. 4. Updated the field "vsize" of account activation code and reset code to 64. Student: 1. Added school logos in the school selection page. 2. Added color coding for selecting schools, courses, and the MyClasses page. 3. Added Descriptive Title of Subjects in the MyClasses Module. 4. Fixed the bug on the Student profile not showing the correct value for the New, Old, Transferee, or Cross-Enrollee category. 5. Added the student curriculum ID in the student profile page. 6. Fixed the bug on the update profile modal that does not show the correct/updated field values. 7. Updated the account activation landing page. Redirects to login page. Faculty: 1. Added Descriptive Title of Subjects in the MyClasses Module. 2. Added a profile picture magnifier on mouse-hover (Classlist Module). 3. Added middlename for the students and instructor name in the Faculty Classlist Module. Registrar/Registration Adviser: 1. Added a profile picture magnifier on mouse-hover (masterlist). 2. Added the Deleted Registrations Module in the reports link. 3. Added enrolment sub-settings for controlling the registration schedule per year, Green Form appointment button, and Max Slots of Green Form Claims per day. 4. Fixed the bug that does not return to the masterlist page after submitting to the registrar the student enrolment data. 5. Removed the shifter button in the masterlist viewer. 6. Added an evaluation button in the masterlist viewer. 7. Added class codes in the masterlist viewer. 8. Updated the evaluate button and function in the Completed Registrations Module to Print Pre-registration Form. 9. Added INC and UD remarks in the grades viewer. 10. Added the ID number in the ORF claims module. 11. Added the ability to edit student ID numbers in the Accounts Module. ********************************************** v1.2 [01/05/2024] General: 1. Added activity logs for easy tracing of user activities. 2. Removed the forgot password module for administrators/school registrars/faculty. All account creation and password reset for registration advisers should be done by the super administrator. 3. Transferred the BPED program to School of Education. 4. Fixed the scroll bars for the over-lapping tables. Student: 1. Added profile picture cropper using cropper.js. 2. Added grade module for viewing of grades. (In Progress) 3. Added grade evaluation module. (In Progress) 4. Added subject name in My Classes Module. 5. Added Enrollment Status Module for Enrollment Monitoring. 6. Uodated the redirection page for login if account username and password doesn't match. Faculty: 1. Updated the filename of the exported masterlist to --
__ 2. Updated the masterlist view - Updated with profile pictures. Registrar: 1. Added full schedule list instead of classcodes only when updating student enrolled subjects. 2. Added preregistrants list for viewing of current preregistrants instead of viewing all created accounts. 3. Fixed the broken link of profile picture on the accounts page. 4. Removed the manual registration of students. ********************************************** v1.1 [08/26/2023] Student: 1. Added My Classes Module (visible only if the student is Officially Enrolled). 2. During login - School, Course and Year Level selection omitted when Mark as Officially Enrolled. - redirection to My Classes Module. Faculty: 1. Added Export to excel button for masterlist exporting. 2. Added Edit option to update faculty profile (Change email address, password, profile picture). Registrar: 1. Added Insurance Report (Excel). 2. Added Controls for Unofficially Enrolled Students. 3. Added filter options for Preregistrants. 4. Added General notification button (aside from balance, prerequisite and conflicting subjects). ********************************************** v1.0 [08/17/2023] 1. Updated faculty module (view every sections) ********************************************** Beta [05/17/2023]