Creating and Securing Google Mail (GMail) Account

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Discipline: Information and Communications Technology

Total Hours: 30 minutes

Tags: email, Gmail, Google Account, gmail security


Email, short for electronic mail, is a digital communication method that allows individuals and organizations to exchange messages and information electronically through the Internet. Having an email address and using email is crucial for various aspects of personal and professional life. It facilitates communication, information exchange, and online interactions, making it an integral part of modern communication and online presence.

For this learning path, you will learn how to create an email account and how to secure it using the Google Mail (GMail) Service. Mr. John-David Julio, an ASCOT Alumnus who graduated Cum Laude with a Degree on Bachelor of Science in Information Technology with a Specialization in Application Programming will teach/demonstrate to you how to do it. Mr. Julio is currently working as an IT Instructor at the School of Information Technology at Aurora State College of Technology.

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