A Toolkit for Action Research


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Category: Information and Communications Technology


The purpose of this book is to facilitate the completion of action research studies. The book provides a series of frames that were designed to guide action researchers from the beginning of a project, selecting a topic for study, to completion of the project and editing final reports. The tools in the book are based on the assumption that action research can best be tackled one step at a time. Too often students and in-service professionals believe doing an action research project requires using a quasi-experimental design to do a research project on their own with little support. Both students and practicing professionals in professional development schools are often initially overwhelmed by the thought of doing an action research project. I tell them, as I tell the researchers using this book, that doing action research is like eating a pizza. You take one slice at a time and then take one bite at a time. Eating the whole pizza at one time is quite likely to make one sick. This book is offered as a series of tools to help investigators focus and work on their studies one piece and one portion of that piece at a time.

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