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Basic Photography

Total Views: 8    |    Today: 6

Discipline: Information and Communications Technology

Total Hours: 64 minutes

Tags: basic photography, photography, cameras


Basic Photography Lesson together with Mr. Ryan Anthon M. Sarmiento as the Resource Person.

Mr. Sarmiento is an alumnus of Aurora State College of Technology who graduated Cum Laude with a degree in Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. He is currently working as LMS Coordinator and Technician at the College of Computer Science in Wesleyan University-Philippines Maria Aurora, Aurora Extension Campus.

This lesson provides the following topics:

  1. Basic Photography Part 1
    • Types of Camera
    • Shutter Speed
    • Aperture
    • Exposure
    • ISO
  2. Basic Photography Part 2
    • Focus
    • Camera Modes
    • Focal Length
    • White Balance
  3. Basic Photography Part 3
    • Position Angle
    • Composition
      • Rule of Thirds
      • Centered Composition and Symmetry
      • Foreground Interest and Depth
      • Frame Within Frame
      • Leading Lines
      • Fill the Frame
      • Leave Negative Space
      • Isolate the Subject
      • Use Black and White
      • Rule of Space Balance
      • Basic Photography Tips